GP+ Help
Where on Open Exeter do I get the files needed?
You will need click on the drop-down menu and select “GP Statements”, you would then use the first box (which starts with “please select a payment date). Once you have the quarter you need you would select “View GP Statements” which then takes you to a secondary screen which shows all the statements for that quarter. When you click on a statement it should look similar to the following example:
What types of file can be uploaded?
On Open Exeter you can download your income statements as .XML and this is the only type which will work with the app.
Most practices will have between 3-4 statements they can upload a moth depending on any enhanced service statements they have received.
Will this save time on doing them as a split entry or memorised transaction?
Yes!, even for small practices as you will not have to worry about different types of income and changing amounts as you would with a memorised transaction and with the split you would need to enter every line split each time there is a new statement.
I have issues with Open Exeter being different to the amount banked will this help finding these issues?
This is an issue which is becoming much more important with the strain on finances so while App will not balance it the way it posts it into your accounts will mean that the control account which is created will mean you can reconcile the statement to the banking.
Do I need to upload the Global Sum / Contract Value statement?
The statement which will appear on Open Exeter which shows your capitation and any adjustments to your baseline does not need to be uploaded into GP+.
Does it work on anything besides Open Exeter?
At the moment it only works with income statements on Open Exeter. CCG statements and local authority statements curently will not work as they cannot be exported into .XML.
When I click Save as .XML it opens up internet explorer?
This is a common problem and is due to the special NHS internet connection. If Internet explore opens you will need to right click on the text of the internet page and click “save as” this will then open up the option to save as an .XML
I cannot Find my .XML file I have saved?
Try opening “recent places” as if you have not changed the save location it will default to your most recently used folder
Can I delete the XML’s once I upload them?
Yes, once you have successfully uploaded the file you do not need to keep a XML copy of it.
What checks does the App do on the statement before it uploads them?
The app will check that the statement matches the practice code you have entered and will check to see if this statement has been already uploaded